Access Documentation

Instructions for BTF users

Guest status (Ospite): An external user working at the BTF needs an authorization from the LNF Director in order to get the Guest (Ospite) status by producing the required documents.
Experimental activities (Attività sperimentale) authorization: for performing activities of experimental apparata installation and run, you need an additional authorization for experimental activities.

Please take note that for accessing the BTF facility you need an experimental authorization, also if you are a LNF staff member or associate.

Simplified procedure for BTF users

For BTF users a dedicated simplified procedure has been organized, as explained below.

Please, take note that the BTF area is not classified as “zona controllata (controlled area)” from the point of view of radiation protection, thus users do not need an individual dosimeter or film-badge.

Step 1

The Team Leader should read the guide describing the booking portal procedures: Booking Guide.

Step 2

The Team Leader submits the beam time request through this PROPOSAL SUBMISSION SITE and waits for BTF approval.

Step 3

After BTF approval, the Team Leader creates the team, ensuring that all members have LOA2 INFN components. If needed, follow this guide. All team members, including the Team Leader, complete the access documentation following the guides here. After secretariat approval, each team member will receive a confirmation email granting access to the experimental hall. The automatic system will send emails with links for uploading the required documentation and will indicate the deadlines for uploading, under the penalty of exclusion from access.

Step 4

All users should meet at 12 in the BTF control room for security access training. Note that participants without an INFN badge should apply, upon arrival, for a badge at Bldg. 30 on the ground floor to the right, every day from Monday to Friday, from 10:30 to 11:30.

Step 5

WiFi Internet Access

Please, take note that INFN staff – employees, guests or associates with a standard INFN authentication – can use their INFN digital certificate/INFN credentials to have access to INFN WEB WiFi at LNF. Otherwise they can use dot1x WiFi or eduroam.

Guest House

In the Frascati Laboratories a Guest House is available. If you wish booking a room for your test-beam period, please follow this link http://www.lnf.infn.it/funz/concorsi/foresterie.html
LNF contact person: Maria Rita Ferrazza

(*) The Group Leader is the requester of the beam-time, as listed in the final schedule.

Before filling in the form please read Annex 1 and Annex 2:
Annex 1:
Informazioni per la sicurezza e il lavoro presso la BTF
Security rules for BTF access

Annex 2:
Scheda di destinazione lavorativa – SORRY NO ENGLISH VERSION AVALIABLE

More information:
Annex 3:
Norme Interne di Radioprotezione nella fase di esercizio del Complesso DAFNE (SORRY NO ENGLISH VERSION AVAILABLE)
Annex 4:
Layout BTF
Layout BTFEH1
Layout BTFEH2
Annex 5:
Piano di emergenza interno dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Safety Matters Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (SORRY NO ENGLISH VERSION AVAILABLE)
Annex 6:
Norme per l’utilizzo dei gas compressi ai LNF (SORRY NO ENGLISH VERSION AVAILABLE)

Check the status of your access documentation

  • At the conclusion of the approval process, every team member receives an email confirming that access has been granted. The status can be checked directly from the booking portal.
  • If you do not appear at all in the Complete List maybe you are registered as a member of a group different from the BTF.
    Search below on your last name:
    If you do not appear here Step 1 and Step 2 are compulsive.

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