DAFNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF)

The DAFNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF) is a beam transfer line designed for the optimized, stochastical production of single electrons/positrons for detector calibration purposes, or the extraction of the DAFNE LINAC electron/positron beam. Beam characteristics (spot size, divergence, momentum resolution), are strongly depended by multiplicity (number of particles/spill) and energy requested. Energy range, pulse duration, beam intensity and duty cycle can be limited by DAFNE collider operation.

From 2021, a second beam-line (BTF-2) in a second experimental hall (BTFEH-2) is be available to the users with different parameters, but maximum 106 particles/s and energy limited by the selected momentum on the BTF-1 line.

BTF is part of the EURO-LABS (EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science) project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101057511.

BTF is part of the ASI-ENEA-INFN agreement ASIF-ASI Supported Irradiation Facilities.